Daily Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies to Afghani

Daily Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies to Afghani

Date: 24/09/2023, 09/03/1445, 02/07/1402 CashTransfer
01CNY¥11.2205 10.8205 11.1205 10.9205 
02US$78.1850 77.9850 78.1350 78.0350 
03EURO83.7068 83.1068 83.5368 83.2768 
04POUND£94.9325 94.1325 94.6825 94.3825 
05SWISS CHF85.5000 85.0000 85.3500 85.1500 
06INDIAN Rs.0.9156 0.9056 0.9126 0.9086 
07PAKISTAN Rs.0.2603 0.2523 0.2573 0.2553 
08IRAN Toman0.0019 0.0013 0.0018 0.0014 
09UAE DIRHAM21.3468 21.2468 21.3268 21.2668 
10SAUDI RIYAL20.7110 20.6110 20.6910 20.6310 
11TRY (Lira)3.0900 2.8900 3.0400 2.9400 
12RUB1.4200 1.2200 1.3700 1.2700 
The average exchange rate of August for USD cash


Average exchange rate of the month of Sunbula for USD cash
Average exchange rate of August for Euro cash91.1727 90.5727 

Average exchange rate of Sunbula for Euro cash
85.6485 85.0485 

All information is updated for the Afghan United Bank of Afghanistan For more information, please visit the official website of the Afghan United Bank Visit the Official website 

About the Bank 

Afghan United Bank is a fully-fledged, privately owned commercial bank incorporated on October 4, 2007. The bank obtained its banking license under the Banking Laws of Afghanistan from the Central Bank of Afghanistan (DA Afghanistan Bank) and received an incorporation license from the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency (AISA). The bank is currently operating through 32 branches and 13 booths in Kabul and other big cities in Afghanistan. The bank is offering financial products and services in both Conventional and Islamic Banking across these branches.

AUB is strengthened by the most professional bankers in the region, and driven by the strategic goals set out by its Board of Management and Supervisory Board, the bank has invested in the state-of-the-art core banking system, FlexCube, in order to provide its customers with an extensive range of products and services. For more information, kindly visit: www.aub.com or www.afghanunitedbank.com

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