Finland University of Helsinki Scholarship 2023 – 2024

Bachelor Master Scholarships @Study in Finland in All Fields Email Job

Job Detail

  • Job ID 13368
  • Offered Salary  1000
  • Opportunity Type  Fully Funded  Partially Funded 
  • Job Type  Private sectors 
  • Opportunity Level  Bachelor Degree  Master Degree 
  • Gender  Male  Female  
  • Professions  All Fields 
  • Duration  3 Years 4 Years 
  • Qualification  Diploma  12 grade 
  • Language Requirement  TOEFL English 
  • Application Type  Online 

Job Description

For international students who want to begin a master’s degree program at the University of Helsinki, there is the University of Helsinki Fully Funded Scholarship 2023. The Helsinki Scholarship is valid for two years. Students from around the world can get financial assistance through the University of Helsinki Scholarship Program 2022–2023 in Finland to attend this esteemed institution to further their education. The scholarship will pay for tuition, student meal discounts, Unicafe restaurant discounts for general transportation, and other benefits.


  • Opportunity type: Fully Funded
  • Opportunity: Scholarship
  • Scholarship Level: Master’s degree
  • University: University of Helsinki
  • Application type: Online
  • Gender: Male and Female
  • Deadline: Different


  • You are eligible to enroll in the Master’s program at the University of Helsinki. There don’t seem to be any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors in the original text, so no correction was necessary.
  • You are required to pay tuition fees if you are a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country and do not have permanent residence status in Finland.. You can check the FAQ at the Studyinfo website as to whether or not you are required to pay tuition fees.
  • You meet the requirements for obtaining an entry visa and residence permit for Finland.
  • You have obtained excellent results in your previous studies and can prove this in your application.


Scholarships for new students will be awarded based on a comprehensive academic assessment, which includes evaluating their academic performance in the past, letters of motivation, and the grounds presented in their grant applications. The university and the program’s strategic goals may also be taken into account.

You cannot apply for a scholarship from a specific category, but you can provide this information additionally in your scholarship application.

  1. The Master’s program conducts an academic assessment of your degree application and your scholarship application.
  2. The Master’s program chooses the scholarship recipients of 50% and 100% waivers. Each program may also award one Finland Scholarship for admitted tuition fee-liable students.
  • If you have applied for a scholarship, you will receive results about your scholarship status in your official acceptance e-mail.
  • Please note that the scholarship program is highly competitive and only a limited number of Scholarships can be offered.


Finland Scholarship and 100 % waivers include:

  • Student Union (HYY) membership fee including
    • student meal discounts in Unicafe restaurants
    • reductions in public transport
    • Unisport services at low prices.
  • Please note that basic student healthcare fees must be paid directly to Kela according to their instructions (from the fall semester of 2023 onwards)

Field of Study

  1. Ag­ri­cul­tural Sciences
  2. Ag­ri­cul­tural, Environ­mental and Re­source Eco­nom­ics (AGERE)
  3. At­mo­spheric Sciences
  4. Changing Education
  5. Chemistry and Mo­lecu­lar Sciences
  6. Com­puter Science
  7. Con­tem­por­ary So­ci­et­ies
  8. Data Science
  9. Eco­logy and Evol­u­tion­ary Biology
  10. Eco­nom­ics
  11. Eng­lish Stud­ies
  12. Environ­mental Change and Global Sustainability
  13. European and Nordic Studies
  14. Food Sciences
  15. Forest Sciences
  16. Ge­net­ics and Mo­lecu­lar Bios­ciences
  17. Geo­graphy
  18. Geo­logy and Geo­phys­ics
  19. Global Governance Law
  20. Global Polit­ics and Communication
  21. Hu­man Nu­tri­tion and Food-Re­lated Be­ha­viour
  22. In­teg­rat­ive Plant Sciences
  23. In­ter­cul­tural En­coun­ters
  24. In­ter­na­tional Busi­ness Law
  25. Life Science In­form­at­ics
  26. Lin­guistic Di­versity and Digital Hu­man­it­ies
  27. Materials Research (MATRES)
  28. Mathematics and Stat­ist­ics
  29. Micro­biology and Mi­cro­bial Biotechnology
  30. Neuroscience
  31. Particle Phys­ics and As­tro­phys­ical Sciences
  32. Pharmaceutical Research, Development, and Safety
  33. Russian, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies
  34. The­or­et­ical and Com­pu­ta­tional Meth­ods
  35. Trans­la­tional Medicine (TRANSMED)
  36. Urban Stud­ies and Plan­ning


How to Apply

  1. Find the Master’s program you want to apply to through the Master’s programs page
  2. See the instructions on how to apply to the Master’s program and prepare the necessary attachments.
  3. Apply for a scholarship with the same application form used to apply to the Master’s program.
  4. Submit all the required attachments.

For more information please visit the official website 

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