Project Manager Just Future (Re Announced)

Job Location:Kabul
Employment Type:Full Time
Salary:Cordaid Salary Scale
Vacancy Number:CRD02/23
No. Of Jobs:1
Organization:Cordaid, Afghanistan
Years of Experience:At least 4 years of experience in managing professional projects of international organizations or companies.
Contract Duration:Knowledge of the project field of expertise Politics or social science or another relevant subject on an academic level and able to provide technical solutions
Education:Knowledge of the project field of expertise Politics or social science or other relevant subject on an academic level and able to provide technical solutions
Close date:2023-05-27

About Cordaid, Afghanistan:

Cordaid is a globally active, value-based organization that works in and on fragility while providing emergency assistance and development.

In 2000, a number of Dutch humanitarian groups merged to become the organization. But we have a far longer history than that. Over the years, Cordaid has evolved; the organization now places a greater emphasis on localizing its operations and programs in order to strengthen local human skills and expertise in helping communities and people. Our top objective is now reducing fragility, and we engage in all situations of fragility, from long-term development to relief and rehabilitation. To do this successfully, we look for funding, form partnerships, and engage in international trade.

We envision a society in which individuals can overcome obstacles like poverty and exclusion, participate in just and resilient societies, and have a say in choices that impact them. a society where the economy is based on equity, social justice, and inclusion rather than greed and expansion. Our objective is that world. It is the goal of all we do.

Since 2001, Cordaid has been trying to make Afghanistan a stable and wealthy nation. In accordance with the humanitarian tenets of humanism, neutrality, impartiality, and operational independence, Cordaid is dedicated to supporting the Afghan people and providing life-saving assistance.

Through its efforts and need-based programs, Cordaid is dedicated to providing the people of Afghanistan with development, lifesaving, and resilience support.

Job Description:

Background Information – Job-specific

The Just Future project manager will be in charge of the project’s entire implementation at all levels, from coordinating consortium activities through local, national, and international levels. Working with a variety of stakeholders, from funders and customers to partners and beneficiaries, s/he will forge strong relationships with consortium partners, and the security and justice network, and effectively accomplish project objectives in Afghanistan.

Functional Responsibilities

The Project Manager will oversee his or her teams in designing and managing pertinent and cutting-edge ways to work on priorities of the Just Future project in Afghanistan under the general supervision of the deputy/Country Director and in compliance with Cordaid rules, procedures, and practices. In order to support project development, execution, and closure efficiently and effectively while maintaining tight internal controls, s/he will closely collaborate with colleagues in operations. Along with facilitating shared program learning, s/he would closely monitor and support the evaluation of results and impacts in close collaboration with Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (PMEAL) colleagues.

Provide Leadership and Oversight

  • Support Just Future Afghanistan (JFA) country-level policies and plans to improve people’s lives, giving particular emphasis to gender equality and youth.
  • Develop and implement an effective strategy, together with related plans, for designing and implementing the project, working closely with consortium partners. These plans should include defining clear targets, realistic deadlines, cost recovery budgets, and KPIs with SMART outcomes to monitor outputs and results.
  • The project’s execution is overseen by GO technical specialists and other team members in close cooperation with the team, with an emphasis on quality, impact, and timely reporting.
  • establishing and fostering strategic alliances through active networking, lobbying, and the persuasive dissemination of Cordaid’s qualifications and track record;
  • Make ensuring that project outputs, outcomes, and impacts are effectively communicated in quantitative and qualitative terms through reports, evaluations, and success stories;
  • To promote best practices and guarantee that minimum criteria are reached, give consortium partners and other stakeholders strategic and technical advice on important project components.
  • To allow assistance for project implementation at all levels, maintain good coordination with consortium partners, other Programmes, CSOs, and with the Field team.
  • Maintain efficient communication with the PMEAL Cordaid and M&E teams of all partners to guarantee accurate and timely outcomes measurement and to promote learning for ongoing project design and delivery improvements.

Build effective coordination within the Just Future project:

  • Create effective project teams inside Cordaid and aid partners in their efforts to foster teamwork by providing mentorship support;
  • Promote southern leadership and localization agenda to establish/intensify proactive contact and cooperation with Cordaid Ips and Consortium partners;
  • Plan routine coordination meetings with partners, such as meetings of the Steering Committee, technical working groups, and ad hoc meetings. Document meetings properly, including decisions, actions, and reporting;
  • Use data and analysis to create and improve a flexible project action plan that successfully advances project goals;
  • By gathering, organizing, analyzing, monitoring, and putting together data for situational, context analysis reports, fact sheets, briefing notes, and other communications products, including other IEC materials, one may make sure that timely information on progress and outcomes is available;
  • regularly conduct fieldwork to obtain data on Just Future project activities’ outcomes, including planning collaborative fieldwork with project partners;
  • Establish and maintain effective communication channels with the project team members, industry experts, and other important stakeholders.
  • maintain communication with the Cordaid GO Just Future team, particularly the global Steering Committee, and be proactive in sharing information;

Manager Just Future:

  • Consistently follow project management policies, procedures, and practices in accordance with established standards and regulations to ensure excellent project management compliance with scope, schedule, and budgets.
  • Develop monitoring and capacity-building tools with your local partners so that initiatives may be delivered with integrity and quality.
  • Ensure that projects, the consortium, and the implementing partners have appropriate risk management.
  • Establish internal meetings, teleconferences, and other forms of regular contact with coworkers, clients, partners, and other counterparts. Decide, arrange, and execute these events.
  • Report on progress along lines that have been established using specialized reports.
  • Plan ahead and make sure all financial, narrative, and audit reports are submitted on time.
  • Ensure the creation of a results framework that incorporates KPI design and registration, as well as outcomes measurement against objectives submitted into DevResult.
  • Record the risk record, add it to Cordaid’s CPA, and keep an eye on dangers.
  • To ensure peak performance and promote the establishment of diverse teams in terms of gender and other diversity indicators, plan, recruit, and develop talented personnel/technical specialists.
  • Encourage a supportive workplace culture that respects both men and women and make sure that the highest standards of behavior are upheld.
  • Plan and carry out lessons-learned sessions (and record outcomes in CPA and DevResults on Cordaid).
  • arranged for the project’s administrative closure across all systems.

Contribute to Knowledge Management and Innovation

  • Contribute to the creation and adoption of innovation to guarantee that Cordaid consistently incorporates best practice methods into its country office operations and Just Future’s international operations.
  • Participate in relevant Communities of Experts and Communities of Practice in order to contribute to the dissemination and exchange of best practices and knowledge-building lessons for corporate growth planning.
  • Planned, implement, and coordinate the strategic capacity building of project personnel, partners, and other stakeholders as requested by the Programmes/Country Director and in coordination with the Operations Director.

Undertake other duties as may be assigned by the Supervisor

The successful delivery of results by the Project Manager JF directly impacts the performance of programs implemented by Cordaid as well as its reputation as an effective partner in achieving positive results that lead to flourishing communities in fragile settings.

Job Requirements:

  • Education/Experience/Language requirements
  • either a bachelor’s degree with at least 7 years of experience combining strategic and managerial leadership in social development, business development, and/or program management, or a master’s degree with at least 4 years of experience in project management, business/public administration, or social sciences;
  • knowledge and practical expertise in Afghan advocacy and lobbying;
  • working experience with CSOs, community-based grassroots institutions, and women’s organizations
  • experience in administering NGOs’ or other international organizations’ programs and/or projects for development, peacebuilding, and/or humanitarian relief in unstable environments.
  • outstanding coordination, communication, financial management, and cross-cultural collaboration abilities;
  • A networker who is also polite, goal-oriented, and able to work on projects with tight deadlines.
  • Flexible and able to function in a demanding environment; the Afghanistan experience is considered a benefit.
  • strong English, Pashto, and/or Dari communication abilities, both verbally and in writing.
  • Skills:
  • Possess the ability to command, supervise, and set an example for a varied group of coworkers in order to achieve goals in a responsible and collaborative way.
  • being able to write and speak thoughts and concepts clearly and persuasively.
  • the capacity to provide novel strategies and techniques while going beyond conventional practices and frameworks.
  • Ability to create and manage extensive strategic networks and collaborations with NGOs, international organizations, and other partners to foster partnerships and forge alliances to advance organizational interests and competencies.
  • Competencies

Core Competencies:

  • Outstanding interpersonal, coordination, and negotiating abilities, as well as the capacity to build and sustain productive working relationships with individuals in a multicultural, multi-ethnic setting while demonstrating sensitivity to and respect for diversity.
  • Strong dedication to ethics, professionalism, innovation, learning, planning, and organization. Results orientation, teamwork, and technical solutions.

Functional Competencies

  • Knowledge Management and Learning
  • by leadership and personal example, fosters knowledge management at Cordaid and a learning environment at work.
  • actively pursues ongoing education and growth, implements learning strategies, and uses newly gained skills
    Development and Effectiveness in Operation
  • Possibility of providing strategic planning, results-based management, and reporting leadership.
  • strong project management skills (from planning to carrying through to wrapping up, including assessment).
  • Ability to oversee the re-engineering of business processes, the introduction of new systems (on the business side), and the modification of employee attitudes and behaviors.
  • Leadership and Management
  • builds trusting connections with clients, concentrates on the effect and outcomes for the client, and reacts well to criticism.
  • always approaches work with vigor and a helpful, upbeat attitude.
  • demonstrates flexibility and the capacity to handle complexity.
  • Effectively manages teams and demonstrates mentorship and conflict resolution abilities.

Submission Guideline:

  • Please submit your CV and cover letter in one PDF file. Your email subject should be CRD02/23 Project Manager otherwise, it will not be considered as a valid application.
  • Please note that applications received after the closing date and without the Subject line will not be given consideration.
  • Only shortlisted candidates whose application meets the above criteria will be contacted for a test/interview.
  • Note: Only applications sent to the below address will be considered. Applications send to any other address even within the organization cannot be considered.

Important Note:

  • Applicants should copy and paste the Vacancy Announcement (VA) Number which is CRD02/23 Project Manager into the email subject line when submitting the required documents. Please do not add any other information in the subject line of your email except CRD02/23 Project Manager. Please do not add any additional words or space in the VA Number. Applications received without a VA Number will not be considered.

Submission Email:

[email protected]