Foreign Desk Reporter – MOBY Group

built-in 2003 Operating in South and Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa is MOBY GROUP. The organization, which has its headquarters in Dubai, employs more than 1,200 people across 16 businesses.

For its part in providing news and entertainment to underprivileged communities, MOBY has received widespread acclaim. Via its work in broadcasting, digital and internet, production, strategic communications, publishing, music, sports, and research, it provides services to approximately 300 million people.

A variety of genres, including dramas, reality television, lifestyle and music shows, sports, news & current affairs, and children’s programming, are covered by MOBY’s local-language content in English, Persian, Pashto, Hindi, Arabic, and Amharic.


  • Opportunity: job
  • Organizagtion: MOBY Group
  • Location: Kabul
  • Gender: Female
  • Deadline: 20 April. 2023

We are looking for a qualified professional to write overseas reports, translate live voice and text from English to Dari/Pashto, and generate high-caliber articles. Interviews, investigations, and observations are used to acquire factual material for the pieces, which are then written in accordance with editorial standards. The candidate could also be in charge of filming or taking pictures of the event, appearing on television, or providing live updates from the scene.

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Duties & Responsibilities

  • The ability to interpret live speech between Dari and Pashto is a must.
  • Dari translation of text or video. (it’s a must)
  • Reporting on foreign affairs.
  • gathering information and planning follow-up
  • preparing top-notch international stories.
  • collects data and facts, creates narratives, and produces articles.
  • investigates, observes, and interviews people to get data for publications.
  • writes headlines for articles and publishes text.
  • may record images or videos of significant items or locations.
  • using an interview collects and confirm accurate facts about the narrative.
  • guidelines for editorial style and format
  • While doing recorded or video interviews or narration, appear on a television program.
  • Report on the event in real-time using mobile broadcast equipment.
  • does further relevant tasks as required.

Job Requirements

  • High school graduate, diploma, Bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Communications, Journalism, Dari or Pashto literature, or related field required.
  • One year of relevant experience, reporting experience preferred.
  • Excellent writing and editing skills.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent research skills.
  • Ability to conduct interviews and gather information.
  • Excellent typing skills.
  • Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, or similar software.
  • Proficient with desktop publishing software.

How to Apply

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