Professional member of training programs (Rank 5)

The State Oil and Gas Company of Afghanistan under the title of state monopolies with a capital of 720,000 Afghani in 1330 AH in order to create reserves of petroleum materials, governmental and non-governmental pumping stations, laboratories for the purpose of controlling the quality of petroleum materials and installing them in commercial ports, stabilizing the quality of materials Nafti, determining and fixing the selling price of petroleum products, granting licenses for reserves and pump stations to businessmen and private sector applicants for the growth and development of the country’s economy.

For many years, considering the requirements of the time, this organization has carried out its activities in the matter of providing the above basic services, sometimes in the framework of government monopolies and sometimes as an independent enterprise; In 1338 AH, the State Monopolies Department was divided into 3 administrative units:

  • Department of Unit Settlements;
  • sugar presidency;
  • Department of Petroleum Materials;

Finally, on the 30th of the year 1366 AH, the Department of Petroleum Materials changed its legal personality to Petroleum Materials and Liquefied Gas Enterprise, whose fixed capital was 1107 million Afghanis.

The State Oil and Gas Company of Afghanistan until the end of the fiscal year 2018 was a self-sufficient for-profit enterprise of the state, the majority of its income is from the royalties it gets in ports for providing port services, with an organizational structure of 1767 employees and wage earners; In the fiscal year 2018 with the number of 1505 workers and in 2019 with the number of 1503 workers, this enterprise, including all the enterprises that were operating in Afghanistan, was transformed into a state enterprise with the implementation of the Law on State Enterprises on October 15, 2017. legalized From the fact that the statutes of state-owned companies were not officially published in the official gazette, they continued to operate as a company until the statutes were passed.

Finally, based on Resolution No. 27 dated 09/18/1399 of the Cabinet of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Articles of Association of the State Oil and Gas Company of Afghanistan with an initial capital of 5.9 billion Afghanis were approved in 5 chapters and 55 articles and in the Gazette No. 1395 dated 10 2019/10/ published and according to Hamid al-Mal No. SOCEO-308 dated 11/12/2019, the General Directorate of State Enterprises of the Honorable Ministry of Finance officially changed its legal personality from holding to Afghanistan State Oil and Gas Company.

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  • Closing Date: Jun 14, 2023
  • Reference: AOGC-HR-1401-191
  • Number of Vacancies: 1
  • Salary Range: As per the company salary scale
  • Years of Experience: 1 year
  • Probation Period: Not Specified
  • Contract Duration: Not specified
  • Contract Extensible: Maybe
  • Minimum Education: Bachelor’s Degree
  • Work Type: Full Time
  • Gender: Any

Job Summary

The person responsible for this position is responsible for planning and implementing the company’s training programs, taking into account the training needs of the company’s employees in order to improve the performance of the employees and improve the company’s human resources capacity.

Duties & Responsibilities

v Arranging the monthly work plan; Quarterly and annually in accordance with the plan of the Human Resources Directorate to achieve the set educational goals

v Planning and arranging educational action plans according to the results of educational needs assessment to organize educational programs

v Estimating and measuring all the costs of educational programs, including it in the action plan and during its stages with the financial department

v Coordinating with the general management of accidents and evaluating the performance of duties in the field of establishing the training needs of employees

v Arranging and setting up the proposal of training programs in order to build capacity in the company

v Creating and developing a database for assessing the training needs of supervisory staff and renewing it in order to have accurate information

v Coordinating with the professional and technical departments of the company for the purpose of hiring professors from among the department’s employees according to human resources procedures

v Arranging the division of class time and course materials to facilitate the process of relevant educational programs

v Arranging documents for organizing educational programs and organizing leisure documents for including educational programs

v Regulating matters related to the educational scholarships granted by the countries donating to the company and coordinating with disaster management and external departments in relation to the scholarships.

v Implementation of other duties assigned by the authorities in accordance with the laws; The regulations and objectives of the department are entrusted to him

Job Requirements

  • having at least a bachelor’s degree in one of the fields of public administration; business administration; human resource management; Education and economics are preferred to higher degrees in the above-mentioned department
  • Necessary experiences related to the position:
  • At least one year of work experience in a related field

other skills

  • Having the ability to communicate and understand work management
  • Ability to create initiative and creativity in working methods
  • Ability to speak national languages and English
  • Correct familiarity with the use of computer programs and databases
  • Work initiative and work speed in reporting
  • Honesty and maintaining business confidentiality
  • Working flexibly and prioritizing work in difficult situations
  • Ability to work in a group
  • Ability to work individually
  • Knowing arithmetical formulas

Submission Guidelines

Respected applicants can; a CV; educational documents, confirmed work experiences, and a copy of your ID card should be attached in one file and sent in PDF format to the below-mentioned emails.

([email protected]).

Dear applicants, keep the following points in mind
have them, otherwise, they will not be shortlisted.
Your sent email is mandatory.
The size of your submitted file should not exceed 5 MB
Send documents without a CV
It is not acceptable
Please refrain from sending additional documents

Academic documents must be approved by the Ministry
High education. Work experience, if it is government, approved accident clearance form
which has not passed more than six months and if work experience in the private sector/institutions
Yes, a copy of the employment contract and the tax payment statement should be attached. From sending the confirmation letter
certificates, certificates,
and other additional documents should be avoided separately