50 jobs as Surveyors in different provinces of Afghanistan

publication date1401/12/28
End date1402/01/09
No of jobs50
Place of dutyMulti-Location
amount of salaryAs Per Company Salary Scale
contract period9 Month
contract type
Required languages
Work experience1 Year


  1. Kabul
  2. Kapisa
  3. Parwan
  4. Wardak
  5. Logar
  6. Nangarhar
  7. Laghman
  8. Panjshir
  9. Baghlan
  10. Bamyan
  11. Ghazni
  12. Paktika
  13. Paktya
  14. Khost
  15. Konar
  16. Nooristan
  17. Badakhshan
  18. Takhar
  19. Kunduz
  20. Samangan
  21. Balkh
  22. Sar-e-Pul
  23. Ghor
  24. Daykundi
  25. Urozgan
  26. Zabul
  27. Kandahar
  28. Jawzjan
  29. Faryab
  30. Helmand
  31. Badghis
  32. Herat
  33. Farah
  34. Nimroz

job summary

Performing the national anthem of villages in all provinces of the country

Required skills

  • At least a bachelor’s degree and a bachelor’s degree in the following fields: Geographic information systems, remote sensing, geography, geomatics and cadastre, bioinformatics, geodesy, geology, environment, and geology are preferred.
  • Preference will be given to applicants with at least three months of work experience.
  • Proficiency in official languages (Pashto or Dari) and familiarity with English.

Computer skills in administrative programs and geographic information systems (GIS) are better

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Duties and responsibilities

  • Preparation and arrangement of weekly and monthly work plans in accordance with the general survey plan to achieve the set goals.
  • Performing the national anthem of villages and collecting data from the field by GIS survey 123 and Field map programs
  • Collecting information about the geographical location of the villages and information about the access of the inhabitants of the villages to basic facilities
  • Collecting geographic information of public infrastructures by GIS survey 123 and Field map programs according to survey questionnaires
  • A survey of all mosques in the country and collecting their information based on the questionnaire of mosques of the national survey of Qarijat
  • Stabilizing the position and collecting information on oil tanks in the country
  • Ensuring that all completed questionnaires are sent to the central server of the National Bureau of Statistics and Information
  • Fertilization of new villages according to the instructions of the national survey of villages
  • Participation and active participation in the national anthem course of the villages, which is organized by the National Statistics and Information Department in Kabul city.
  • Following the orders and instructions of the employees of the National Statistics and Information Department and the field supervisors and respecting the culture and traditions of the local people during the survey.
  • Receiving the problems, deficiencies, and gaps in the survey process and collecting data from the field, and submitting the report to the relevant department
  • Implementation of other duties entrusted by the authorities, according to the laws, regulations, and objectives of the department.

Work Locations

Multi Location (Kabul, Kapisa, Parwan, Wardak, Logar, Nangarhar, Laghman, Panjshir, Baghlan, Bamyan, Ghazni, Paktika, Paktya, Khost, Konar, Nooristan, Badakhshan, Takhar, Kunduz, Samangan, Balkh, Sar-e-Pul, Ghor, Daykundi, Urozgan, Zabul, Kandahar, Jawzjan, Faryab, Helmand, Badghis, Herat, Farah, Nimroz)

Submission guide

Qualified interested parties can register to Best Server by referring to the following link:


Necessary documents

  • Citizenship certificate
  • CV
  • Academic documents (within the border must be approved by the honorable Ministry of Higher Education and abroad written evaluation by the honorable Ministry of Higher Education)
  • Work experience documents

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